Saturday, November 27, 2010

Green Cow

Cost: $2.19
Cost per ounce: $0.27
Ounces: 8
Taste: 8
Kick: 8.5
Final Judgment Rating: 8.5

This is the original energy drink which I have had a lot of times but this is my review on it. You can pretty much get these anywhere. I picked one up at DVS where they have a ton. This is the original energy drink, so here we go.

Taste: This is the original energy drink, which I have had a lot of times. I picked one up at DVS to review it today and drank it all on the way home. This little 8 ounce baby tasted pretty good which a weird blueberry taste to it. It was not too bad, but not the worst. This gets a rating of 8.

Kick: This kick was pretty good I'd say it kept me up for about 4 hours on end. The kick was fine. It gets a rating of 8.5.

Final Judgment Rating: I'd give it a 8.5 because it tasted good, had a good kick, and it's the original energy drink!

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